Join us for our first Summer Service on June 21 at 7 pm, led by a member of our congregation! If interested in leading a service during the summer please contact Sherry Barnes.
June 2019
Community Shavuot Program at Temple Emanu-El – June 8 – 7:30 pm
Please join us for Shavuot on June 8 at 7:30 P.M. This holiday is seven weeks after Passover, and is traditionally celebrated with all-night study and dairy foods. We will be hosting congregants from eastern Connecticut synagogues for a shorter evening of good company, good snacking, and some interesting discussions.
Plans for the summer are in the works! Save the date of July 19 for our outdoor service and bar-be-que. We are also looking forward to our Shabbat morning breakfast and nature experience at Bluff Point on August 10.
We are always interested in having new folks on our committee. Please join us on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 P.M. in the rabbi’s office to learn more about what we do.