Temple Emanu-El encourages lifelong learning and offers a growing number of adult education courses and programs.
2024 – 25 Classes
Classes begin the week of November 12. Check the calendar on the homepage of our website for links to classes and programs.

Translating Torah
Thursdays, 11:00 am
This is an ongoing class. Need to know how to read Hebrew and some Hebrew vocabulary. Cantorial Soloist Sherry Barnes is teaching this class.Please contact her at Cantorialsoloist@tewaterford.org or 860-443-3005.

Wednesdays, 10 – 11 am
Reviewing Torah Trips. This is an ongoing class. Cantorial Soloist Sherry Barnes is teaching this class. Please contact her at Cantorialsoloist@tewaterford.org or 860-443-3005.
Please note this class requires ability to read Hebrew beyond a beginner’s level. Contact Sherry Barnes to assess your Hebrew level.

Prayerbook Hebrew
This is an ongoing class, and is for those who already know how to read Hebrew and know some Hebrew grammar. Sherry Barnes is teaching this class. Please contact her at Cantorialsoloist@tewaterford.org or 860-443-3005.

Beginning Hebrew
Tuesdays, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
This is a new class, no prerequisite required. Cantorial Soloist Sherry Barnes is teaching this class. Please contact her at Cantorialsoloist@tewaterford.org or 860-443-3005.

Intermediate Hebrew Class
Wednesdays, 11 am – 12 pm
This is an ongoing class, and is for those who already know how to read Hebrew and know some Hebrew vocabulary. Sherry Barnes is teaching this class. Please contact her at Cantorialsoloist@tewaterford.org or 860-443-3005.

Rabbi's Appointments
Something on your mind that you need help thinking through or just need to talk about? Concerned about something going on at the Temple or in the community? Or you’d just like to get to know one another. Rabbi Marc is available nearly every day, except Wednesdays for one-on-one, couples, or family meetings. Contact Rabbi Marc directly or schedule an appointment through Roberta in the Temple office.

HUC-JIR College Commons
The College Commons is free! Learn from the best of progressive Judaism’s scholars on a variety of Jewish topics. Single or multi-session classes on topics ranging from Bible to Zionism to Jews in Showbiz. Explore the course offerings and sign up here.
Torah and Texts
Wednesdays, 12:30 p.m.
Rabbi Marc is teaching this class. Please contact him at marcekstrand@gmail.com or 860-443-3005.
Exploring Judaism with Rabbi Marc
Starts Nov. 21, 6:30 PM – 8PM
(3 week class)
Questions can be directed to Rabbi Marc at marcekstrand@gmail.com or Sherry Barnes at shirie3860@aol.com. Zoom links will be posted on our Temple Emanu-El calendar, which you can find on the homepage of our website.
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Religious School
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