Bring your own Hanukiah on December 27 and join in as we light them together. Enjoy our Shabbat service as the candles burn bright! It is a beautiful way to celebrate Chanukah. The service begins at 7:30 pm.
December 2019
Mah Jongg Cards-Deadline Jan. 24
ORER NOW: MAH JONGG CARDS FOR 2020 – Deadline January 24
Thank you so much for purchasing your Mah Jongg cards through me over the years. I just received our donation from the NMJL for last year’s card order for $580!! Once again, by purchasing your Mah Jongg cards through me, on behalf of Temple EmanuEl Sisterhood, we receive a charitable donation. The cost to you is exactly the same, but NMJL gives a portion back for charitable collectors. What has really helped make this fund-raiser worthwhile is the number of you who have also ordered cards for friends, mahj clubs, and relatives. I feel like I have my own little pyramid scheme going here.
Good news: the price will be the same for 2020. That’s $8 for standard size and $9 for large size. The rest is the same, so if you know it all, you can stop reading about now. I am collecting orders with payment (preferably checks rather than cash; sorry – no credit cards) and I have to place one large order in late January, 2020. After my cut-off date from NMJL, I can not order additional cards.
DEADLINE FOR YOUR ORDERS/PAYMENT TO ME is JANUARY 24th, 2020. The cards are mailed directly from the NMJL, so feel free to order cards for fellow mahj players anywhere in the country.
So what do I need from you?
Name, address if new or different from last year, email, number & size of cards ordered, and your check, payable to T.E.Sisterhood. If you are ordering for your group, I can send the cards to each member or to one member, whichever you prefer. And if you are a snow bird, use the address where you want the card mailed in late March.
Mail your orders to TEMPLE EMANU-EL SISTERHOOD, Attn: Iris, P.O. Box 288, WATERFORD, CT 06385
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at, or phone at 860-460-3081. Thank you!
Iris Freeman