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Ilson Award Nominations
Nominations are now being accepted for the Ilson Award, which is given annually to a member who has contributed to Temple Emanu-El in an important way. The award is in honor of Howard Ilson, a former president of our Temple who died suddenly while in office.
Areas of service to consider include:
~ Years of service as an officer or Board member
~ Years as a committee chairperson
~ Years of service in auxiliaries such as the Religious School, Sisterhood,
~ Years of community service as a representative of Temple Emanu-El
~ Years of time and energy expended for the betterment of Temple Emanu-El
Nominations will be accepted until March 1. The award committee will then review the nominations, and the winner will be announced in the Temple Bulletin. The award winner will be honored at a Shabbat service, and his or her name will be engraved on a plaque on display in the Temple.
Please take the time to consider a worthy nominee. It is one way of thanking our members for volunteerism that often goes unnoticed. If you wish to nominate someone, please fill out the form on the back of this sheet and return it to the Temple, by mail or by depositing it in the nomination box located in the entryway. All nominations will be strictly confidential.
Howard Ilson Award Nomination Form
Name of person being nominated:____________________________________________
Name of nominator:_______________________________________________________
Summary of nominee’s attributes and service to Temple Emanu-El (Must be completed for nominee’s consideration); Please use a separate piece of paper to complete and send to the Temple or put in the nomination box in the main entrance of the Temple.
Community Bingo & Dinner Night
Scholastic Book Fair
November 28, 2018 • 4 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat
November 30, 2018 • 7:30 pm
Brotherhood Latke Dinner
December 2, 2018 • 5 pm
Details under Highlights