2023 Manjongg Cards have been ordered! The Mahjongg Tournament was on Thursday, October 20th. With over 15 years of mahjongg tournaments behind us, it was still just as exciting to see Temple EmanuEl filled with 84 players for our first post-pandemic day of mahjongg. We had folks from DE, NH, NY, MA in attendance for an event that was months in the planning. With 100 hungry people to feed (mahjongg works up an appetite!), our home-made breakfast and luncheon did not disappoint. We had a crew of 16 kitchen, set-up, and break-down helpers to whom we owe a debt of gratitude. A very HUGE THANK YOU to Iris Freeman and Robbin Alpert and all who assisted them in making the Mahjongg Tournament a great success. The Mahjongg Tournament is Sisterhood’s major fundraiser and with the funds raised we will be able to contribute to the synagogue in a significant way.
Sisterhood again participated in the Safe Futures 4K Safe Walk on Sunday, October 23 at Waterford High School. Moira reported that the Sisterhood raised $1,800 for Safe Futures – a big thank you to all of you who participated and contributed to this very worthy cause.
We had fun doing Herb Planters at Smith’s Acres!
We closed out our March activities with an outdoor event in the Greenhouse at Smith’s Acres where we made Spring Herb Planters. Sisterhood provided Pizza and Drinks at the event.
The Sisterhood has had lots of fun activities, informational programs, fundraising for charitable organizations, and events within our community! Here are a few examples from the last couple of years!
Sisterhood Book Club has had many great meetings and events. On October 11, we had our Book Club event at the home of Cecile Feldman. Cecile had prepared an extremely informative PowerPoint presentation on the book and the author, and the discussion was a lively one. Armi Rowe was our Zoom master for the evening, and we had women in person and on Zoom! We ended our evening with delicious refreshments provided by our hostess.
Cooking Class
We had a hybrid event with our own Cecile Feldman, Merrill Mazzella, and Flossie Betten, who showed us how to bake/make the best sweet potato pie and potato latkes and pie! Yum and thank you!! Check it out on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jP2PmKh-O4I
We had a Joint Program with Hadassah, and speakers from Safe Futures spoke to us about the important work being done in our community and Camp Hope.
4K Safe Walk 2021 to support Safe Futures
The Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood Team has walked multiple years to support Safe Futures, an organization in our community. Thank you to all who have participated in, and donated to, the Safe Futures Annual 4K Safe Walk. Besides walks held in the mall or at Waterford High School, in 2020 it was done virtually by participants. A small group of Sisterhood friends got together to walk the Niantic Boardwalk and even more walked on other days in different places.

Sisterhood Scavenger Hunt –Since this event in March of 2021 was so much fun, we did another Scavenger Hunt on Zoom on January 25, 2022. From the comfort of our homes, we were challenged to find items and bring them back to our computers for all to see. (Photo from March Zoom event)
Challah Class – Thanks to thank Merrill Mazzella for organizing and demonstrating how to bake a beautiful round challah (actually she showed us how to bake 4 different styles!). If you missed it, you can watch it on the TE “YouTube” channel. The link is under Recent Programs on the Temple Emanu-El Homepage.
This Kick-off Membership events was really fun! Everyone loved playing trivia on Zoom over the past year so Barbara Senges, our co-president and Membership chair, put together really great questions! We did a hybrid model for this event with many women joining us outside at McCook Point Park, and others joining us on Zoom. Everyone had a great time!
For our End-of-the-Year Social at McCook’s Point Park, more then 20 women got together!
The Sisterhood led the Shabbat Service on Friday, August 20th. Thank you to Eileen Shapiro and Barbara Senges for creating a special summer service for us participate in and enjoy.
Our Kick-off event in 2020, the Bean-to-Bar Chocolate Tasting, was popular with 65 participants enjoying delicious craft chocolates together via Zoom. Thank you to Merrill for organizing our fabulous event, hosted by Estelle Tracy, a chocolate sommelier!! It was a wonderful, delicious, fun evening!!
On Tuesday, September 22, 2020 we met for a “Sisterhood Virtual Happy Hour & Membership Drive” on Zoom. It was great to have a chance to say hi to old friends and meet some new ones.