On a daily basis, many of us serve and give of ourselves without fanfare or recognition. We are a caring and loving congregation that lives up to the highest ideals of Judaism. The role of the Social Action Committee is to stimulate and support the performance of mitzvot by our members, especially mitzvot that help others beyond the Temple community.

First, in tandem with the rabbi the committee monitors the Temple Mitzvah Fund and makes thoughtful recommendations for congregational donations and the distribution of funds. Among the questions the committee considers are: What allocation of funds best fulfills our values as a congregation? How can we help locally, regionally, nationally, and globally? What charities achieve the greatest level of benefit dollar per dollar? And how can we support the service and organizations in which our own members are investing their time, labor, and creativity?

Second, the committee also coordinates the year-round collection of grocery, drug store, and general store gift cards. While most of the cards are distributed during holiday periods, some are used for emergencies and ongoing needs throughout the year. Members are encouraged to donate cards at any time and to bring non-perishable food for the community Interfaith Food Locker.

Third, the committee promotes involvement in our core service activities as a congregation. We have a long-standing volunteer commitment to Habitat for Humanity and local soup kitchens and homeless shelters. Anyone who wants to help is more than welcome.

Finally, our committee runs a Temple Mitzvah Day, every spring. Look for details in the bulletin. Everyone is welcomed to attend and participate, including children

For the latest Social Action News Click Here.

Any member of the congregation may join the Social Action Committee. For more information, e-mail Karen at socialaction@tewaterford.org or contact Roberta in the Temple office.