July & August 2024

Our Temple’s Annual Meeting was indeed long and drawn out – I was a guilty party as my remarks should have been much more succinct – but the good news is that we are moving in the right direction, we shared productive discussions, and we are becoming more aligned as a congregation. Our Board will continue to keep everyone in the loop of our leadership’s progress against new goals we set for ourselves in the coming year.

Now, we will all get to enjoy a little breather and time to recharge as the summer vacation season approaches. Yesterday, I enjoyed eating dinner on my deck and afterward, I watched the sky transform from pastel blue with white poofs into a cobalt blue with sunset streaks. The mourning dove coos, and other avian chatter eventually faded as the frogs began their loud and piercing calls as shadows of bats began fluttering about.

Beginning July 5 and throughout the summer until August 23, Rabbi Marc will take a break from leading Shabbat services so that our volunteer lay leaders will have the opportunity to create a Shabbat experience for us that reflects their inspiration. You may still reach Rabbi Marc should you need to meet or speak with him for any urgent matters. Summer Shabbat services may or may not include a Zoom option as A/V assistance may be more of a challenge during summer vacation. There definitely will not be Zoom when the service is led by Hazzan Sherry and held outdoors at Harkness Memorial State Park on July 19 and August 9.

As the Baking Club and Shabbat Dinner Committee both take a break this summer, we will rely on our Shabbat Service lay leaders to plan a modest oneg for attendees. As these and other committees take a break this summer, put on your thinking caps for more activities, events, and circles we might jumpstart this Fall.

Until then, may you all enjoy safe travels and relaxing activities as well as embark on new adventures this summer!

See you at Summer Services and maybe at the town parks and beaches!



Congregation Highlights

Because of the Jewish holiday Shavuot, the June Board of Trustees meeting took place after the submission of this message to the Bulletin. So this month, these were the Congregation Highlights:

  • At the Annual Meeting, the Congregation approved:

    • the proposed 2024-2025 annual budget.
    • the proposed 2024-2025 slate of nominated candidates
    • the renewal of Hazzan Sherry Barne’s contract for July 2023-June 2025
    • the renewal of Rabbi Marc Ekstrand’s contract for July 2024-June 2027