February 2025

Reawaken: to awaken someone or something again.  That is the definition for “reawaken”, that I found in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.  I thought about this word as I was thinking about the holiday of Tu Bishvat, the 15th of the month of Sh’vat, while looking out my office window. As you know Tu Bishvat is when the almond trees in Israel begin to bloom.  They are reawakened from their winter sleep with the coming of spring. Tu Bishavat is a wonderful time to reawaken our love of nature, yes, even in the midst of winter. It’s so easy to get stuck in the everyday hyperfocus of work, or other things that demand our attention, that we forget to be in the moment when we are out and about. It’s like a form of tunnel vision where you stop seeing all the amazing things around you. When you take the time to stop and appreciate how amazing this planet is with all of its vegetation, lakes, streams, oceans, fish, animals, birds, and yes even its insects, it actually has a calming effect. I once saw a beetle digging itself a hole and it caught my eye.  When the sun shone on its closed wings, it shimmered with iridescent greens and blues and looked like a piece of jewelry or piece of artwork. Spiders are not my favorite, but I’ve admired their webs that glisten in the morning sun hanging with dew on them, making them look like a myriad of tiny diamonds on strings.  Reawaken what has fallen asleep within you and make sure to find the beauty in everything.  It could be the laugh of a grandchild, a hug from a friend, or the shivering of pine needles as the wind blows them, and be grateful for the beauty of it all.  I’d love to know what reawakens you to life and its beauty.

There are so many things to be grateful for this month.

Many thanks to everyone who supported our 10th Cabaret, whether just by attending, or participating with their talented performances, bringing food, or setting up things in front of and behind the scenes. Armi and I are very grateful for you.

A heartfelt thanks to those who stepped up to write a d’var Torah, chant Torah, light Shabbat candles, lift the Torah, and made sure that we had an oneg, while Rabbi Marc was on sabbatical.  Thank you to Rabbi Rosenberg for leading Shabbat Services with me in January. You are all very appreciated.

Next month the choir will be singing at Kabbalat Shabbat Services on March 14. Hope you’ll join us.

Our Rosh Chodesh program will be on February 27, 1:00.

Hazzan Sherry