January 2025
Welcome in the New Year 2025! And how exciting to get to light all 8 Chanukah candles on the first evening of the new year, filling it with warmth, love, and lots of light. What an extra special way to start off the new year! May it be filled with new adventures, new friendships, new ideas, good health and fun! Speaking of fun… our 10th Annual Cabaret Night will be on Saturday, February 1, at 7:00 p.m. There will be appetizers, Havdalah, our talented Cabaret participants entertaining you on stage, followed by yummy desserts. Check your mailbox, you will be receiving an invitation in a few weeks. If you are interested in participating as an act, it is not too late, contact Armi or me to sign up, or just come to show us what yours might be….it doesn’t have to be perfect at this point, at our open call for acts on January 5, and 12, from 12:00. If you’re not a singer, poet, dancer, or play an instrument, but would like to be behind the scenes, we would love your help decorating and setting tables, and a couple of stage hands to move mics, props, etc. Of course, we also love having you as a part of the audience to cheer on the show!
I’ll be leading most of the Shabbat Services this month and the first week of February. January 3 – Emma Zelkin will be chanting Torah January 10 – Jeff Elkin will be chanting Torah for Share Shabbat January 17 – Short Shabbat Service with a delicious Shabbat Dinner, cooked by Dona and Ken Casey – make sure to call for a reservation. January 24 – Rabbi Emeritus Aaron Rosenberg will lead services with me, the D’var Torah will be given by Susan Rosen January 31 – Rabbi Emeritus Aaron Rosenberg will lead services with me, the D’var Torah will be given by Barbara Senges. February 7 – Jeff Elkin and I will be chanting a special Torah portion for the kids to see at Share Shabbat/Shabbat Shira, the song of the sea. I’m looking forward to bringing in Shabbat with you and our special guests this month.
Many thanks to the TE Band for playing at the Chanukah Service last month. Also a big thank you to Armi Rowe for giving the d’var. Thank you to those who chanted Torah this month. And thank you to Rabbi Emeritus Aaron Rosenberg for leading services with me. Wishing all of you a safe and happy New Year! B’shir,