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Endowment Fund
Temple Emanu-El Endowment Fund
The Temple Emanu-El Endowment was established in 2007. The Endowment Fund invests the assets it has been entrusted with to support the mission and vision of Temple Emanu-El for present and future generations. Over the 17 years of the Endowment, the fund has grown an average of 3.3% and has provided the Temple with approximately $230,000. All of this was accomplished with only one small stock donation added to the initial $500,000.
At June’s Annual Meeting, Barbara spoke to you about the Endowment Committee’s goal to grow our Endowment to a million dollars. We truly believe this is an achievable goal! Having a million dollars in the Endowment would enable the Endowment Committee to give 5% or $50,000 on a yearly basis to support the ongoing success and sustainability of Temple Emanu-El.
The check for your minimum distribution (which will include what you would have paid in income tax) must come directly from the Custodian of your IRA.
The check will be mailed directly from your Custodian to:
National Financial Services
29 Sawyer Road
Waltham, MA 02453
For Security Reasons, we cannot publish here how to make out the check. If you are generously planning on donating your Minimum Distribution, please email Barbara Senges, Chair of the Endowment Committee at professeur38@me.com.
As donations to this specific restricted fund grow, they will be invested in the Endowment portfolio. Your donations will help us reach our goal of $1,000,000.00!
So please remember the Endowment Fund when making your donation to the Restricted Funds. The Endowment Fund ensures the sustainability of Temple Emanu-El for the future.
Temple Emanu-El Directories Are Done!
The new Temple Emanu-El Directories to celebrate our 65th anniversary are done!!
There is one free directory per family unit. You may pick up your directory in the Temple Office.
We are doing a new Temple Emanu-El Directory to celebrate our 65th anniversary!!
* Important Temple Directory Notice *
All congregant contact information WILL be printed in the Temple Emanu-El Directory
unless you tell us NOT to include you.
The directory will include: names of adults in your household, address, phone numbers and email addresses currently in our Temple Office files.
Please notify us by November 8 with any changes to your contact information or if you would not like to be listed by emailing Sue at communications@tewaterford.org. Please note that this directory will only be printed and distributed to congregants, it will not be available online.
Temple Emanu-El did a directory for the congregation when we turned 50. I used that directory often, and still pull it out for an address to send a card or give someone a call, as do many other congregants. But, it is now outdated, so the Communications Committee pulled together a Directory Sub-Committee and we are working on a new directory to celebrate our 65th anniversary!
Updated Contacts • Due to security and privacy concerns, this directory will be printed and distributed only to Temple Emanu-El members. It will not be available online. Having a printed copy in your hands is a great way to learn faces in our Temple community, and see who lives near you! It is a wonderful way to connect people in our congregation.
Beautiful Photography • The previous directory had photos as well as contact information. Professional photo sessions are done, but you may submit a photo of yourself or your family by July 30th.
Celebratory Ads & Messages of Support • There is an option to submit a personal or business ad. A personal ad can include copy such as a message celebrating our 65th anniversary, and may include your photo. A business ad could be an advertisement for that business, possibly adding a congratulations line if they choose. There are four ad sizes to choose from, ranging from 1/8 of a page to a full page in size. Contact communications@tewaterford.org, or the Temple office, if you would like a business ad form. Ad sales will help pay for the cost to print the directory. Please submit personal ads by July 30th and business ads by September 30th.
Thank you for supporting this directory,
and for helping to make Temple Emanu-El a vibrant, close-knit community.
Mah Jongg Lessons
Like to play Mah Jongg or interested in learning?
For Mah Jongg Lessons, new or refresher, please contact the Temple Office at office if interested in Mah Jongg lessons at office@tewaterford.org
There is also a bi-weekly drop-In Mah Jongg Circle twice a month. Check out the Community Circles flyer under Happenings on the Temple Home Page.
Rides & Food Donations
If you are in need of rides to medical appointments, grocery stores, etc., OR if you can help provide rides for those in need, please contact Karen or the Temple Office.
All the food pantries in the area are in need of non-perishable food items. Please bring items to be donated to the Temple.
Karen Bloustine and Sybil Nassau
Social Action Committee Co Chairs
Volunteer Opportunities
For over 60 years, the Temple Emanu-El community has had a strong tradition of volunteering. The effort and time we spend sustains the community that we love. Our commitment is also a welcoming and inspirational sign to others who share our values. Please consider volunteering at Temple Emanu-El. Below are many opportunities. If you are interested, please contact the Temple office and we will point you in the right direction.
Thank you, in advance, for your dedication to our Temple and the community.
Rabbi Marc
Temple Emanu-El AV Club Looking for Members
Were you in your High School’s AV Club? Jealous of the kids that were? Are you studying Video Production and are looking for some related volunteer hours? Or are you, like me, just a nerd who likes playing with computers and cameras? Well, the Temple can use your help!
As we returned to services in our sanctuary, we wanted to continue using platforms like Zoom to engage members and friends who may not be able to join us in person. To support continuing our virtual presence, the sanctuary was wired for broadcast. Cameras have been installed, and we’ve purchased equipment to help polish our service’s production quality. The only thing we’re missing is YOU!
I’m looking for a group of people interested in running the video production on Friday night services and other events. Computer experience is important. Video production experience is helpful, but not necessary. If you’re interested, please contact Sean Bendick at sbendick@gmail.com, or contact the Temple Office.
Other Ways to Volunteer:
Building and Grounds
Do you love gardening or have skill landscaping? Are you handy around the house? Our building and grounds require routine upkeep. This includes minor landscaping, repairs and upkeep of the building. We have a solid group of volunteers who do this but we can always use more help. The more, the merrier!
Joining a committee is a great way to meet people, make friends, learn new things, and support your Temple and community. Consider joining a committee. All committees are open to all members (Jewish and non-Jewish). Below is a listing of our current committees and chairperson.
Religious Practices: Claire Warren
Membership: Emma Zelken
Religious School Committee: Jennifer Zettler
Communications Committee: Sue Fornara
Finance: John Murphy
Social Action: Karen Bloustine
Audio/Visual Club: Sean Bendick
Kitchen & Baking Club: Erica McCaffrey
Temple Emanu-El has been a strong force for good in SE Connecticut. Over the years, many members have been working with many community action organizations. Two of the largest efforts have been with the New London Meal Center and the Homeless Hospitality Center. We need a new generation of volunteers to join the ranks of our veteran volunteers. If interested in helping in other ways contact the Temple Office.